Michael Ellars dot com is the professional website for Michael Ellars. It went live in March 2010 and has been under construction since then. A major redesign in May 2015 added a significant amount of content to the site. Smaller improvements have been made since that time, with a slight “refreshing” in late 2017.
This site is hosted by DreamHost. While not the least expensive hosting service, they are far from the most expensive. DreamHost provides great customer service and a consistent track record of upgrading and expanding hosting packages.
This site uses a “responsive design” technique to dynamically modify its appearance/layout based on the physical dimensions of your web browser.
The default layout of this website, labeled “Advanced” in the options presented in the footer on each page, features responsive design and large, full-coverage background images. For mobile devices, devices with smaller screens, and presentation purposes where a full-screen view is more desirable, the “Basic” layout dispenses with the responsive design and utilizes a smaller, less visually complex background image.
This site was hand-coded for HTML and CSS using the Nano text editor for Linux (which is based on the Pico text editor).
The “favicon” for this site looks like this: .
More information coming soon.
This website makes use of “web fonts” for additional control of styling. These fonts are freely available for most operating systems and should work with all modern major browsers that otherwise support Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Body text is set in DejaVu Sans Book. Most content headings and subheadings, including the headline/banner and footer, are set in fonts from the Montserrat family. The Bacon quote on the home page is set in Jim Nightshade.