11B-206.2.19 Pedestrian street crossings. Where walks or sidewalks are provided, a curb ramp, blended transition, or a combination of curb ramps and blended transitions complying with Section 11B-406 shall connect the walks or sidewalks at each pedestrian street crossing. The curb ramp (excluding any flared sides) or blended transition shall be contained wholly within the width of the pedestrian street crossing served.
EXCEPTION: Compliance with Section 11B-206.2.19 shall not be required where pedestrian street crossing is prohibited by the appropriate administrative authority
Clarifies that curb ramps, blended transitions, or some combination of them are required at pedestrian street crossings even if such crossings are not officially designated as part of the accessible route.
11B-207.1 General. Means of egress shall comply with Chapter 10, Section 1009.
3. Accessible means of egress are not required to be provided in existing buildings.
With reorganization of the building code’s provisions for existing buildings, the exception for existing buildings has been lost. This new exception preserves the current requirements.
11B-213.3.6 Bathing facilities. Where bathtubs or showers are provided, at least one bathtub complying with Section 11B-607 or at least one shower complying with Section 11B-608 shall be provided. Where two or more accessible showers are provided within the same functional area, at least one shower shall be opposite hand from the other or others (that is, one left-hand controls versus right-hand controls). Transfer type shower compartments shall be permitted in transient lodging guest rooms, multi-bedroom housing units in undergraduate student housing and residential dwelling units; and shall not be permitted at other locations to meet the requirements of Section 11B-213.3.6.
See restored technical requirements at Division 6.
Revises Table 11B-224.2 to separate a row for one guest room with mobility features and adds footnotes to clarify opportunities for bathtubs and transfer-type shower compartments versus required roll-in type showers.
Table 11B-224.2 Guest Rooms with Mobility Features | |||
Total Number of Guest Rooms Provided | Minimum Number of Required Rooms Without Roll-in Showers1 | Minimum Number of Required Rooms With Roll-in Showers2 | Total Number of Required Rooms |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
12 to 25 | 01 | 1 | 12 |
26 to 50 | 12 | 1 | 23 |
etc. | etc. | etc. | etc. |
Despite the appearance of a large-scale revision to residential scoping requirements, the changes are actually mostly of an editorial and/or clarifying nature. For example, by re-titling Section 11B-233 as “public housing” facilities, subsequent references to “public housing” within Section 11B-233 become redundant and can be deleted.
11B-203.8 Residential facilities. In public housing residential facilities, common use areas that do not serve residential dwelling units required to provide mobility features complying with Section 11B-809.2 through 11B-809.4 and adaptable features complying with Chapter 11A, Division IV shall not be required to comply with these requirements or to be on an accessible route.
11B-233 Residential Public housing facilities
11B-233.1 General. Public housing facilities with residential dwelling units shall comply with Section 11B-233. See Chapter 2, Section 202 of this code for the definition of Public Housing.
11B-233.3.1 Minimum number: new construction. Newly constructed public housing facilities with residential dwelling units shall comply with Section 11B-233.3.1.
Exception: …
11B- Residential dwelling units with mobility features. In public housing facilities with residential dwelling units, at least 5 percent, but on fewer than one unit, of the total number of residential dwelling units shall provide mobility features complying with Sections 11B-809.2 through 11B-809.4 and shall be on an accessible route as required by Section 11B-206.
11B- Residential dwelling units with adaptable features. In public housing facilities with residential dwelling units, adaptable residential dwelling units complying with Chapter 11A, Division IV - Dwelling Unit Features shall be provided as required by Sections 11B- through 11B- Adaptable residential dwelling units shall be on an accessible route as required by Section 11B-206.
Exception: …
11B- Multi-story residential dwelling units in buildings with one or more elevators. In elevator buildings, public housing facilities with multi-story residential dwelling units shall comply with the following:
11B- Multi-story residential dwelling units in buildings with no elevator. In non-elevator buildings in public housing facilities, a minimum of 10 percent but not less than one of the ground floor multi-story residential dwelling units shall be calculated using the total number of multi-story residential dwelling units in buildings on a site and shall comply with the following:
11B-233.3.3 Additions. Where an addition to an existing public housing facility building results in an increase in the number of residential dwelling units, the requirements of Section 11B-233.3.1 shall apply only to the residential dwelling units that are added until the total number of residential dwelling units complies with the minimum number required by Section 11B-233.3.1. Residential dwelling units required to comply with Section 11B- and 11B- shall be on an accessible route as required by Section 11B-206.
11B-233.3.4 Alterations. Alterations to a public housing facility shall comply with Section 11B-233.3.4.
Exception: Where compliance with Section 11B-809.2, 11B-809.3, or 11B-809.4 for units with mobility features or Chapter 11A, Division IV for units with adaptable features is technically infeasible, or where it is technically infeasible to provide an accessible route to a residential dwelling unit, the entity shall be permitted to alter or construct a comparable residential dwelling unit to comply with Sections 11B-809.2 through 11B-809.4 or Chapter 11A, Division IV provided that the minimum number of residential dwelling units required by Sections 11B-, 11B- and 11B-, as applicable, is satisfied.
11B- Alterations to vacated buildings. Where a building is vacated for the purposes of alteration for use as public housing, and the altered building contains more than 15 residential dwelling units, at least 5 percent of the residential dwelling units shall comply with Sections 11B-809.2 through 11B-809.4 and shall be on an accessible route as required by Section 11B-206. Residential dwelling units with adaptable features shall be provided in compliance with Section 11B- In addition, at least 2 percent of the residential dwelling units shall comply with Section 11B-809.5.
Exception: Where any portion of the building’s exterior is preserved, but the interior of the building is removed, including all structural portions of floors and ceilings and a new building intended for use as public housing is constructed behind the existing exterior, the building is considered a new building for determining the application of this chapter.
11B- Alterations to individual residential dwelling units. In public housing facilities with individual residential dwelling units, where a bathroom or kitchen is substantially altered, at and least one other room is altered, the requirements of Section 11B-233.3.1 shall apply to the altered residential dwelling units until the total number of residential dwelling units complies with the minimum number required by Sections 11B-, 11B-, and 11B- Residential dwelling units required to comply with Sections 11B- and 11B- shall be on an accessible route as required by Section 11B-206.
Exception: Where public housing facilities contain 15 or fewer residential dwelling units, the requirements of Sections 11B-, 11B-, and 11B- shall apply to the total number of residential dwelling units that are altered under a single contract, or are developed as a whole, whether or not located on a common site.
11B- Alterations to residential dwelling units with adaptable features. The building standards for residential dwelling units with adaptable features do not apply to the alteration, repair, rehabilitation or maintenance of residential dwelling units constructed for first occupancy on or prior to March 13, 1991. Multifamily dwelling units with adaptable features constructed for first occupancy after March 13, 1991, shall be maintained in compliance with the accessibility standards in effect at the time of construction.
Exception: Where any portion of a building’s exterior is preserved, but the interior of the building is removed, including all structural portions of floors and ceilings and a new building is constructed behind the existing exterior, the building is considered a new building for determining the application of this chapter.
11B-233.3.5 Dispersion. In public housing facilities, Residential dwelling units required to provide mobility features complying with Sections 11B-809.2 through 11B-809.4 and residential dwelling units required to provide communication features complying with Section 11B-809.5, and adaptable features complying with Chapter 11A, Division IV shall be dispersed among the various types of residential dwelling units in the facility and shall provide choices of residential dwelling units comparable to, and integrated with, those available to other residents.
Exception: In public housing facilities, Where multi-story residential dwelling units are one of the types of residential dwelling units provided, one-story residential dwelling units shall be permitted as a substitute for multi-story residential dwelling units where equivalent spaces and amenities are provided in the one-story residential dwelling unit.
Because California amends the ADA Standards’ scoping for employee work areas to instead apply only to employee workstations, remaining references to “employee work areas” creates ambiguity as to intent. These new amendments clarify that employee work areas still exist, but they receive no relief from full compliance under the CBC.
11B-248 Common use areas and employee work areas.
11B-248.1 Common use areas. Common use areas shall comply with this chapter.
11B-248.2 Employee work areas. Employee work areas shall comply with this chapter.
Assembly Bill No. 662 was approved by Governor Brown on October 10, 2015, and filed with the Secretary of State the same day. It was added to Section 19952.5 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to public accommodation. This bill requires a person, private firm, organization, or corporation that owns or manages a commercial place of public amusement, as defined, constructed on or after January 1, 2020, or renovated on or after January 1, 2025, to install and maintain at least one adult changing station, as defined, for a person with a physical disability, as specified. The bill requires a facility to ensure that the entrance to each adult changing station has conspicuous signage indicating its location, and, if the facility has a central directory, ensure that the central directory indicates the location of the adult changing station.
11B-249. Adult changing facilities.
11B-249.1 General. Adult changing facilities shall comply with Section 11B-249.
11B-249.1.1 Where adult changing facilities are provided, each adult changing facility shall comply with Section 11B-813.
11B-249.1.2 Newly constructed commercial places of public amusement shall provide no fewer than one adult changing facility in compliance with Section 11B-813.
Important to note that the underlying state law also requires adult changing facilities to be added to existing commercial places of public amusement when such places undertake any alteration with a construction cost of $10,000.00 or more starting on January 1, 2025.