Michael Ellars



Chapter 11B, Division 2 (Scoping)

2018 CBC Revisions:
Intervening Code Cycle

Chapter 11B, Division 2 (Scoping) 

Clarification of “Safe Harbor”

11B-202.4 Path of travel requirements in alterations, additions and structural repairs.

2. If the following elements of a path of travel have been constructed or altered in compliance with the accessibility requirements of the immediately preceding edition of the California Building Code, it shall not be required to retrofit such elements to reflect the incremental changes to this code solely because of an alteration to an area served by those elements of the path of travel:

Note: The language in this exception, which refers to the “immediately preceding edition of the California Building Code,” shall permit a reference back to one CBC edition only and is not accumulative to prior editions.

Employee Workstation Accessibility

11B-203.9 Employee workstations. Employee workstations shall be on an accessible route complying with Division 4. Spaces and elements within employee workstations shall only be required to comply with Sections 11B-207.1, 11B-215.3, 11B-302, 11B-303, 11B-308.1.1, 11B-308.1.2, and 11B-404.2.3 unless exempted by other parts of this code. Common use circulation paths within employee workstations shall comply with Section 11B-206.2.8.
Exception: Receptacles, controls, and switches that are an integral part of workstation furnishings, fixtures, and equipment shall not be required to comply with Sections 11B-308.1.1 and 11B-308.1.2.

Adds requirements for electrical receptacles, controls, and switches within employee workstations, but exempts such elements that are an integral part of workstation furnishings, fixtures, and equipment. For example, an electrical receptacle outlet installed in a wall of a private office must comply with Section 11B-308.1.2, but an electrical receptacle outlet installed in a desk in a private office does not.

Passenger Drop-Off and Loading Zones

Multiple sections receive editorial revisions to clarify that the “passenger loading zones” in the ADA Standards also allow for passenger drop-off. These zones are scoped at Section 11B-209, which was similarly updated for the 2016 triennial edition, with technical requirements at Section 11B-503.

Multi-story Residential Dwelling Units

11B- Multi-story residential dwelling units in buildings with one or more elevators. In elevator buildings, public housing facilities with multi-story residential dwelling units shall comply with the following:
1. The primary entry of the multi-story residential dwelling unit shall be on an accessible route. In buildings with elevators the primary entry shall be on the floor served by the elevator.
2. At least one powder room or bathroom and kitchen shall be located on the primary entry level.
3. Rooms or spaces located on the primary entry level shall be served by an accessible route and comply with Chapter 11A, Division IV – Dwelling Unit Features.
Exception: In non-elevator buildings, a minimum of 10 percent but not less than one of the ground floor multi-story residential dwelling units shall comply with Section 11B-, calculated using the total number of multi-story residential dwelling units in buildings on a site.

11B- Multi-story residential dwelling units in buildings with no elevator. In non-elevator buildings in public housing facilities, a minimum of 10 percent but not less than one of the ground floor multi-story residential dwelling units shall be calculated using the total number of multi-story residential dwelling units in buildings on a site and shall comply with the following:
1. The primary entry of the multi-story residential dwelling unit shall be on an accessible route.
2. At least one powder room or bathroom shall be located on the primary entry level.
3. Rooms or spaces located on the primary entry level shall be served by an accessible route and comply with Chapter 11A, Division IV – Dwelling Units features.

11B- Public housing facility site impracticality.

Former exception to Section 11B- expanded to new Section 11B-, and former Section 11B- is renumbered as Section 11B-

Public Accommodations Located in Private Residences

11B-245.3 Accessible elements required. The accessible portion of the residence extends to those elements used to enter the commercial facility public accommodation, including the front sidewalk, if any, the door or entryway, and hallways; and those portions of the residence, interior or exterior, available to or used by employees or visitors of the commercial facility public accommodation, including restrooms.

An editorial fix to the language of Section 11B-245 that was previously revised from commercial facility to public accommodation.